Mgr. Simona Brngálová

  1. Active judge at the court Krajský súd Trnava, in the meantime we register no hearings and no judgements.
    Note: - hosťujúca sudkyňa na OS Piešťany.
  2. Inactive unknown employee at the court Okresný súd Nitra, in the meantime we register no hearings and 730 judgements.

Indicators for 2021

We do not register any indicators for the judge yet.

Indicators for 2017

We do not register any indicators for the judge yet.

Indicators for 2015

We do not register any indicators for the judge yet.

Indicators for 2013

We do not register any indicators for the judge yet.

Published judgements

  1. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  2. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  3. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  4. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  5. Platobný rozkaz – Ostatné
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  6. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  7. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  8. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  9. Uznesenie – Spoluvlastníctvo
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  10. Uznesenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

More judgements

Upcoming hearings

We do not register any upcoming hearings for the judge yet.

Past hearings

  1. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, Určenie vlastníckeho práva Hearing was held on

  2. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, Náhrada škody na zdraví z… Hearing was held on

  3. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 1.417,6 EUR s prísl.… Hearing was held on

  4. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, zaplatenie 1 038,12 € s… Hearing was held on

  5. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 441,86 EUR s prísl. Hearing was held on

  6. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, žaloba na ochranu práv spotr. a… Hearing was held on

  7. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 1.417,6 EUR s prísl.… Hearing was held on

  8. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, žaloba na ochranu práv spotr.… Hearing was held on

  9. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 14.272,78 EUR s… Hearing was held on

  10. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 1.955,18 EUR s… Hearing was held on

More hearings

Information regarding the court were obtained from the judge list, which was most recently updated on . The information may have been additionally supplemented by the data retrieved from property declarations and statistical reports.